Grants and Loan Opportunities for Qualified Homeowners & Businesses
Homeowners who live in the Middle Peninsula may be eligible to receive financial assistance to pump out, repair or replace malfunctioning on-site wastewater systems. The Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission (MPPDC) provides assistance to property owners located in Middlesex, Gloucester, Mathews, Essex, King William, and King and Queen Counties as well as the Towns of West Point, Tappahannock, and Urbanna. Some assistance programs have income qualifications and/or target specific areas of the region. Financial assistance is limited and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
In most cases, the septic system MUST be deemed failing and eligible for a repair permit issued by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) to qualify. New construction projects and voluntary upgrades are not permissible for grant and/or loan assistance.
In addition to various grant funding, the MPPDC also offers low interest loan funding to Middle Peninsula homeowners as well as qualified businesses based on the applicant’s household/business income and type of system to be repaired or replaced. System improvements costing $5,000 or less may be financed for up to 60 months and improvements costing more than $5,000 may be financed for up to 120 months. The minimum loan funding is $500 and the interest rate is generally 50% of prime.
To learn more about these funding opportunities, or to find out if your property is eligible, contact the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission at (804) 785-8100 or visit Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission at